Thursday, March 21, 2013

302 Newspaper

                         302   NEWSPAPERS       by Abigail                                                                        CAUTION! No your eyes are not playing tricks on you,
we know this is old news from september!  Do not 
call the eye doctor!
Need news?  We can do that for you!  The 302 scholars have started making newspapers about Carrboro's past!
They have information from the 1800's!  There's nothing like them!   The news in this paper was collected from the information we collected in our field trips.  They are also by students!  We made them with you in mind! 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Bar graph!

Hello. Right now in math we are learning about graphs. My favorite graph is the bar graph. Bar graphs have axes (axe-ies). They tell you what everything means. The bars are the data. Believe it are not this is NOT the most important part of a graph! The scale is the number that you color up to....... so if your data shoed 9 you would color the bar up to the 9 on the scale. See how many parts there are in a bar graph?!


Human body

In project time we are writing poems about the human body. To experiment we jump roped since this involves the human body. To learn how to write the poems we watched a brain pop video about poems but we also did some ordinary class work about poems.

For example this is a poem I wrote:

I love my body it's skin heats me it cools me it holds me in. I love my body.

                                                                            by: River

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Whoa didn't see you there!  I am here to tell you we have been exploring poems in reading.  Here are some examples:"To Catch a Fish" and "Lawnmower".  They are also my favorite poems.  We have also made a list about what is true in poetry and talked about powerful words.  

by:Valerie Worth
The lawnmower  
Grind it's teeth
Over the grass
Spitting out a thick green spray
It's head too full
Of iron and oil
To know
What it throws
The lawn's whole
Crop of chopped
Green hay.                      

Well that's all the time I have!  Bye!

By: Finn

Monday, March 18, 2013

Motions of the Human Body

During class we have been exploring the motions of the human body. We have been writing paragraphs jumping rope and the human body. The class has been working on this during project time.
We also wrote poems about the human body. The class is working very hard on their paragraphs during project time - Jasper