Monday, October 26, 2009

First Quarter Awards

Congratulations to the following students who received awards at the First Quarter Assembly. Keep up the awesome work!

Scholastic Achievement Award

Raven & Tatha

Character Award for Respect & Responsibility
KawKhu & Kierra

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

WARNING: This Haunted Story May Be Too Scary For Younger Scholars!

We have been using our five senses to help us add elaborative detail to our writing. Here is a spooky story that we wrote together as a class.

Crunch, crunch, crunch. My friend and I tiptoed slowly to the old, dusty front door of the spooky haunted mansion. It was as creepy as a forest at night. We could hear the owl hooting in the strange, bare trees. Suddenly, a twig snapped and we both jumped back. A shadow crossed the window and it sent shivers up my spine. Our bodies slumped towards the crumbling old steps. We walked through the sticky cobwebs that tasted like old musty bugs. We pushed open the creaking front door and my friend let out an earsplitting scream.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Soil Mural

In science we have been discussing and exploring everything that has to do with soil. This past week we worked together to create a mural that displayed what the world would be like with soil and without soil. We all agree that without soil the world would be a pretty dismal and boring place. What do you think?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Important School Roles

We've been discussing how the school is a community and the important people that make the school a community. We all chose an important person in the school and wrote a paragraph (or more!) about that person. Then we made a poster and took a picture with that person. Below is Tallulah and Raven's awesome work!


Ms. Bolas is the librarian in the Media Center. She is important because for example, if Miss Kochy needs a book about elephants, she would ask Ms. Bolas for some books about elephants and she would show up with 5 to 6 books about elephants. Without her everyone else would not be able to find the books we want and we would not be able to read as much and I would be very sad. She works with the teachers and the students to help us which makes her part of our community.
The Media Center (also known as the library) is my favorite place in the school. I love books and I want other people to love them to. So, I would have to agree she is very important.


The lunch ladies' role is to fix lunch for students. They work really hard making a lot of food for students. They serve the food to hundreds of people. What would happen if we didn't have the lunch ladies? Kids would go hungry. They're part of our school community because we eat healthy and they serve it to us!

We haven't disappeared!

Hello 403 Families and Friends,

Don't worry we haven't forgotten about the blog! We've been very busy beginning new topics like subtraction, soil, and story elements. Here are some photos of us "buzzing" about books that we enjoy reading.