Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Read-A-Thon WINNERS!

The 403 Scholars won the 2010 Carrboro Elementary Read-A-Thon by reading an amazing 15, 232 minutes for the week. WOO HOO! Our prize was a gift certificate to the new local bookstore in Chapel Hill, Flyleaf Books. Some of the students and I spent an afternoon browsing their selection and choosing books with everyone's interests in mind.

Here's the link to Flyleaf Books:

Lizzie, Anna, and Tallulah logged the most minutes read for the week. They came with me to choose all of our new books!

A big thank you goes out to Flyleaf Books.

The Scholars can't wait to start reading!


  1. BRAVO to all you AWESOME readers. Over 15 thousand minutes! I am so impressed!!!!!!

  2. It's awesome isn't it? The 403 Scholars LOVE to read!
