Tuesday, August 24, 2010

First Week of School

The 403 Scholars just finished their first week of school in third grade! We have had so much fun building our classroom community. We've built glyph houses, completed a class crossword, and a class puzzle! We already know so much about each other. What a wonderful group of third graders!

The 403 Scholars being silly on the first day!

Rosie, Camden, and Shawn work together on the class puzzle.

Hard at work designing their puzzle pieces!

The completed puzzle!

Can you tell who is who?

Come visit our room and you'll learn a lot about us from our community glyphs!


  1. Thank you very much for starting the school year with such fun, creative, and important activities!

    Kai's Mom

  2. Wow, you guys are already working so hard! You're really a creative bunch. (I especially love the paper-plate faces.) Can't wait to see more.

  3. Thank you! We appreciate that you commented on our blog! We'll keep posting. Be sure to check back in.

    Your friends,
    403 Scholars

  4. I love these pictures and getting a glimpse into what's happening in the classroom. Looks like such lively, interactive, engaging fun. I'm so happy for Jack to be a part of this group and for him to have you as his teacher, Miss Kochy! You guys have gotten off to a great start to this year! Keep going!


    Jack's Mom

  5. Hi, from Timmeya's mom, Edna. I love the color you have added to the class activities and interconnecting this to the sense of community. Awesome concept! I especially love the funny faces!!!
