Monday, January 31, 2011

Birthday Week!

Last week was birthday week for room 403. Jack, Camden, and Aye Tar all turned 9 and hosted school celebrations for all the Scholars to help celebrate their birthdays. Here are a few photos from Jack's birthday celebration. A special thanks to his parents who brought the yummy (and Carolina blue) cupcakes!

Caleb, Kyrin, Shunte', and Jack all smile big for the camera!

Jack and Thein clearly enjoyed their cupcakes!

A bunch of 403 girls eating lunch on Jack's birthday.

Getting ready to sing a nice loud "Happy Birthday" to Jack!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Function Machines

Despite our shortened Monday, the 403 Scholars had a big day! Before winter break they began to create their function machines. Function machines are imaginary machines that process numbers according to a certain rule. A number (input) is put into the machine, undergoes the rule, and is transformed into a second number (output). The Scholars put some of the Carrboro Staff to the test to see if they could figure out their function machine rules!

Rosie and Shunte' show off their function machines as they prepare for our visitors.

Timmeya listens closely as Mrs. Bivins whispers the rule of her function machine.

Miss Fisher recalls her multiplication facts in order to figure out Pema's rule.

Mrs. Rohner checks out Caleb's input numbers.

Alexandre listens closely as Mrs. Sharpless tries to figure out his rule.

Thanks to everyone for stopping by to support the 403 Scholars!

OK Go Video

While enjoying lunch in the classroom on Monday (and the early release) I shared with the Scholars this super fun music video by the band OK Go. They all loved the extremely incredible Rube Goldberg machine that lasted almost 4 minutes! Here it is for everyone's pleasure!