Thursday, September 29, 2011

Rounding Rap

The 302 Scholars have been learning all about rounding numbers. To help us remember we learned a rounding rap. Watch Cayla, Taniyah, Pan Myat San, and Nate T. rap about rounding!

Find the place value, circle that digit.
Move to the right and underline, get it?
Zero to four, circle stays the same.
Five to nine, add one is the game.
Now flex your muscles like a hero.
Digits to the right, change to zero.
All the other digits, stay the same.
Yo, you're a winner in the rounding game!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Hispanic Heritage Month

Did you know that we are in the middle of Hispanic Heritage Month? It began on September 15th and will end October 15th. The school is celebrating in many ways! Each class was assigned a country to research and learn about. The Scholars were given Paraguay. Lucky for us Mr. Diego, a 4th grade TA, is from Paraguay! He visited us last week and shared all there is to know about his home country.

As part of the celebrations there was a door decorating contest. Each class had to decorate their door with information about their country. The Scholars did a FABULOUS job! They all worked together and cooperated to make the best door in 3rd grade. We won first place in our grade! Check out all of the hard work below with the shiny blue ribbon we earned!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

100% Smart!

The 302 Scholars discussed the different way that people are smart. We read the book How We Are Smart where we learned about 8 different types of smartness. Everyone has all 8 types of smartness, but in different amounts. The Scholars made graphs to show which areas they think they are the strongest in. We also discussed how the brain is like a muscle and that when we exercise our brain it gets bigger! Which type of smart is your strength?

-body smart
-music smart
-self smart

-people smart
-logic smart
-nature smart
-picture smart
-word smart

In How We Are Smart we read about people like Thurgood Marshall, Tito Puente, and Georgia O'Keefe. We learned that people are intelligent in different ways.

These graphs share the strengths of the 302 Scholars.

We know that the Scholars are all 100% smart!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Mr. Pitiful

The 302 Scholars really enjoy singing along with our clean up song every day. Here it is for you to enjoy over the weekend!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Pajama Day!

Pajama day was a huge success! We loved seeing everyone's pjs and stuffed animals. We're getting close to filling in the pom-pom jar again. Can't wait to see what it will be next time!

The Skin We Live In

In keeping up with how we are a community, the Scholars discussed the different shades of our skin and how they are only a covering. We read a lot of awesome feel-good books about skin!

This was our favorite book that we read. It described skin as cocoa, mocha, almond, snow, sand, plus many more! Can you find an awesome description for your skin color?
This book talked about how our skin is just a covering and that to really know a person you have to get to know the INSIDE. We agreed! In this book we learned that skin isn't dumb, mean, smart, right, or wrong. We found that skin just holds the "you" that's inside.

We made our own faces to represent all of the shades of skin in our room. We discussed that no matter what shade we are, we have to get to know the person for what is inside them!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Community of the Scholars

Here's our awesome community! The first week of school we made a crossword, puzzle, and houses to show that we're a community. We are so proud of ourselves for being a community. We think our teachers are cool! Check out our WONDERFUL pictures!

This is one way that we show our community. We depend on each other.

This is Henry and Zach making their puzzle pieces.

Here we are working together to make the puzzle.

This is us around our puzzle.

This is our community puzzle We are interdependent because we depend on each other.

These are our community glyphs. They show information about us.

By Cayla and Gordon