Friday, September 2, 2011

The Skin We Live In

In keeping up with how we are a community, the Scholars discussed the different shades of our skin and how they are only a covering. We read a lot of awesome feel-good books about skin!

This was our favorite book that we read. It described skin as cocoa, mocha, almond, snow, sand, plus many more! Can you find an awesome description for your skin color?
This book talked about how our skin is just a covering and that to really know a person you have to get to know the INSIDE. We agreed! In this book we learned that skin isn't dumb, mean, smart, right, or wrong. We found that skin just holds the "you" that's inside.

We made our own faces to represent all of the shades of skin in our room. We discussed that no matter what shade we are, we have to get to know the person for what is inside them!

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