Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Cooperative Juggling

In Ms. Kochy's 3rd grade class , we have learned how to play Cooperative Juggling. Cooperative Juggling uses the whole class. Ms. Kochy , the teacher starts with the ball. You throw the ball to one person across the room. That person is the person you will be throwing to for the rest of the game. You do not pick a person already thrown to. The person who you throw to will throw to a different person who will throw to another person. Everyone will get the ball. The last person will throw the ball to Ms. Kochy. Then , Ms. Kochy will start the pattern again . In the middle of the pattern , Ms. Kochy may start another pattern with another ball. There are 5 balls. Our goal is to cooperatively throw all 5 balls around the classroom. Here are some of our tips we think we need to do to achieve our goal:
  • Do not jerk the ball to your person you picked to throw to.
  • Throw underhand
  • When you get the ball , pause for a second , and then pass to the person you picked to throw to.
  • Do not make diving catches.
As you see , Cooperative Juggling is a very fun game . And remember , you get better every time.

By Evan

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